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Republic Day Sale is Live! Extra 50% Discount on All Orders!
Bhuiamla-Keezha Nelli-Phyllanthus Amarus Seed
78% OFF
Inclusive of all Taxes.
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Quantity & Size
10 gm
Product Description
INTRODUCTORY OFFERS: The following 5 offers will be given for each purchase.1.Free Amaranthus Seeds 2.Free Moringa seeds 3.Epsom salt for Plant growth 4.Growth Promoter manure 5.Sample Sandalwood Powder.
*BHUIAMLA-KEEZHA NELLI-PHYLLANTHUS AMARUS SEED Phyllanthus is a widespread tropical plant commonly found in coastal areas, known by the common names gale of the wind, stonebreaker or seed-under-leaf. It is a relative of the spurges, belonging to the Phyllanthus genus of Family Phyllanthaceae euphorbiaceae).*Phyllanthus is an important plant of Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine in which it is used for problems of the stomach, genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen.Hindu physicians considered the plant deobstruent, diuretic, astringent and cooling.Aqueous extract of Phyllanthus niruri is reported to have inhibitory effect on human immunodeficiency virus.*Its very useful in the treatment of liver diseases like jaundice and liver cirrohosis. It helps to remedy fatty liver and liver damage due to any reason.*HOW TO GROW: Mix Manure with soil (30:70),and this will help in germination of seeds. Care needs to be taken to see that the soil is clean from any weed or insect.Open the seed packet on a sheet of paper and put the seeds into the prepared soil to half inch of depth. While watering, sprinkling water through a sprinkler or manually using your hands.Germination may take place 10-15 days.Then you may transplant the seedlings to various pots or desired areas.Disclaimer:This information is only for the purpose of education and not meant to replace any professional advice of an expert.