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Republic Day Sale is Live! Extra 50% Discount on All Orders!
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Republic Day Sale is Live! Extra 50% Discount on All Orders!
Organic Quinoa Microgreen Seeds
77% OFF
Inclusive of all Taxes.
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Quantity & Size
200 gm
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INTRODUCTORY OFFERS: The following 5 offers will be given for each purchase.1.Free Amaranthus Seeds 2.Free Moringa seeds 3.Epsom salt for Plant growth 4.Growth Promoter manure 5.Sample Sandalwood Powder.
ORGANIC QUINOA MICROGREEN SEEDS Why Microgreens?- Microgreens are veggie shoots grown from seed for just 8- 12 days! These sassy little seedlings add a burst of intense flavours, vivid colours and crisp textures that transform any meal into a nutrient-packed gourmet experience. Microgreens are easy to grow with fewer resources. Non-Hybrid, Open Pollinated and Non-GMO Micrgreens Seeds. Now you can grow your own microgreens.Microgreens are packed with vitamins A, B, C, E and K and minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. All our seeds are non-treated, non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties that are safe to consume at the microgreen stage. Get one today and start adding your own microgreens to salads, smoothies, sandwiches, side dishes and more. The great thing is that you can grow your own quinoa microgreens at home. You’ll need a tray, growing media; seeds and some water. … Technically the sprout is when the seed has first germinated and a thin stem starts to appear. You can continue to grow the seed in water and produce beautiful sprouts.HOW TO GROW MICROGREENS (READ INSTRUCTIONS FOR DETAIL) *Fill your container with cocopeat (1-2 cm deep).Add water lightly and make sure the media is moist not wet.*Generously sprinkle seeds over coco peat and press in lightly.*Liberally mist seeds with water and cover the container with a plastic lid.*Sprinkle water daily (12 Hrs once) as needed to keep the seeds moist.*After 3-4 days remove the lid to expose germinated seeds to sun light.*Water once a day while your micro greens grow and gain color.*After 10-12 days your micro greens should be ready to harvest.*Read instructions given in the manual TO GET BETTER RESULTS.*Care instructions: Take care as your child.Protect from pest and insects. *Best for planting throughout the year.Disclaimer: This information is only for the purpose of education and not meant to replace any professional advice of an expert.